BlogMedical MalpracticeUncategorized Charting Your Course: Keeping Good Medical Records When it comes to malpractice suits, a medical chart can be either your best friend…GELSOctober 8, 2012
BlogMedical MalpracticeUncategorized Not-So-Informed Consent Most medical providers are familiar with the concept of informed consent in which a patient…GELSSeptember 26, 2012
BlogInsurance LawMedical Malpractice Accountable Care Organizations and Medical Professional Liability: What's the Connection? As attorneys who represent a variety of clients from the medical and insurance industries, we…GELSSeptember 21, 2012
BlogUncategorized Subrogation in Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Cases Because a substantial number of owners and operators of cars and trucks in the United…GELSJune 21, 2012