Medical Malpractice Medical Malpractice Defense: The Basics Medical malpractice lawsuits occur when a patient has been injured or not provided with adequate…GELSOctober 24, 2013
BlogMedical Malpractice Hospital Medical Malpractice: How to Stay Protected Some doctors perform their duties in a hospital as independent contractors, which means that they…GELSOctober 21, 2013
Uncategorized Birth-related Medical Malpractice: The Facts Birth-related medical malpractice is a serious threat for medical practitioners, so it is important that…GELSOctober 9, 2013
BlogBusiness Law Business Law: Tips for Running a Family Business If you practice good business law, running a family business can be a great way…GELSSeptember 26, 2013
Business Law Trademark and Trade Name: Know the Difference As a business, it is crucial that you know the legal differences between a trademark…GELSSeptember 26, 2013
BlogBusiness Law How to Handle Employees Called to Active Military Duty Active military duty refers to when the military forces are called for full time active services.…GELSSeptember 25, 2013
BlogUncategorized Should Your Small Business Go Public? Have you been asking yourself if you should take your small business public? The process…GELSSeptember 24, 2013
Business Law FMLA – Can I Fire An Employee For Extended Sick Leaves? No business owner finds the task of firing an employee pleasant; this is especially true…GELSSeptember 16, 2013
Business Law Can I Legally Use Business Profit For Personal Use? In the world of commerce, the definition of business profit varies based on the type…GELSSeptember 11, 2013
News & Events Gutglass, Erickson, Bonville & Larson – Milwaukee Lawyers Receive Best Lawyer Awards It’s with great pride that we announce that Milwaukee lawyers Kathleen Bonville, Paul Erickson, James Gutglass and…GELSSeptember 4, 2013